Frends receives certifications of ISO 9001/14001/27001
Frends Technology, a part of HiQ Finland, celebrates a remarkable achievement as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 certifications were issued to the company in June 2022.
These international standards prove that Frends Technology follows information security, risk management, and Statement of Applicability (SoA) according to ISO 27001. In addition, ISO 9001 demonstrates that quality, development, and deliveries are managed with high standards increasing customer satisfaction.
Lastly, Frends Technology acquired ISO 14001 certification proving that Frends delivery and product development consider environmental aspects, fulfills its compliance obligations and addresses potential risks and opportunities.
“Simultaneously with our rapid growth, we have managed to create systematic processes that are efficient, safe, high-quality, and environmentally friendly. This is a significant milestone, which helps us strengthen our position in the European market”, says Jukka Rautio, CEO of Frends.
Customer orientation has been the driving force in the development of Frends since day one.
“The ISO certifications show that we have also extended the approach into our internal and delivery processes. As a result, our customers can rely on the fact that every process is considered from multiple perspectives and audited by a third party”, Vice President of Frends, Antti Toivanen, adds.
Frends eiPaaS connects multiple data sources and automates business processes. It is the most developer-friendly and simple hybrid platform suitable for any cloud or on-premise use. By 2025 Finnish Frends aims to be the market leader in Scandinavia and the top three integration platforms in Europe.
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Frends iPaaS - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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Frends iPaaS - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Product Owner
- Laura - Systems Engineer
- Laura - C++/Qt-kehittäjä
- Laura - Tietohallintopäällikkö
- Fellowmind - Senior UI/UX Designer
- Fellowmind - Business Intelligence Consultant
- Laura - Gaming Product Security Lead
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