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Haloradio turned to Tosibox for secure and reliable remote connections


To improve their service quality and enable a faster response rate, Haloradio was looking for a secure and easy-to-use solution for establishing a remote service connection to their customers’ home automation systems. The system had to be operator neutral and offer reliable performance with the standard consumer internet connections their customers had in their homes. Also, data security was a key concern for Haloradio due to the sensitivity
of the camera, lock, and other private data contained in their customers’ systems.


Tosibox had been marketing their products solely for industrial and business applications, but Haloradio recognised the potential of the technology for the demanding consumer applications they were designing and delivering to their customers. After contacting Tosibox, the company has now started using the TOSIBOX® 100 series lock and key to enable remote controlling and servicing of their home automation solutions.

With the TOSIBOX® solution, Haloradio is able to establish a secure remote connection to their customers’ systems, enabling remote updates and fault diagnoses. As an added
benefit, the TOSIBOX® solution also doubles as a router providing the WLAN connections required by the various devices, replacing the often limited-capacity routers
supplied by operators. An unlimited number of devices, regardless of make, can be added to the system, as long as they can be connected with an ethernet cable or WLAN. Automatic network recovery even automatically reestablishes dropped mobile connections.

For Haloradio’s customers this means quicker and better service, as well as a secure and reliable way to remotely operate and check on their home systems from anywhere using their mobile devices. Haloradio can, in turn, plan their operations more efficiently, as the need for service personnel to travel to the customer’s premises is reduced. In many cases, software-related issues can be fixed remotely, and when a service call is needed, the service crew can arrive better prepared, armed with the needed spare parts and the right tools for the job.

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With the Tosibox solution we can provide better and faster customer service, simply and securely.

Kare Hirvonen

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