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Health Care District Sosteri says hello to remote maintenance with Miradore Online

ReferenssiHealth care district Sosteri provides primary and specialist health care, as well as social welfare and environmental health services for the 45,500 residents of the Eastern Savonia region in Finland. Its ICT department manages the diverse technology needs of not just doctors and nurses, but also social workers, veterinarians, health inspectors, speech therapists, and more.

The challenge:
In the past, mobile devices had mainly been used by those Sosteri employees who needed email in their daily work. Though the number of these people kept growing, too, the real game changer was Sosteri’s adoption of Tieto’s mobile health care app, KotihoitoMobiili. With nearly 1700 employees using 400 devices in different places, configuring Wi-Fi and email settings on-site for every device was far too slow and inefficient. That’s when Pasi Happonen, IT Systems Designer for Sosteri, decided that things had to change.

We needed a tool that could both manage device settings remotely and provide an effective device inventory. What’s more, it had to have proper support for Windows Phones,” says Happonen.

The solution:
After reviewing the available options, Happonen chose Miradore Online. The main reasons, besides the excellent Windows Phone support, were its user-friendliness and cost-efficiency.

Using Miradore is super easy, because it’s in the cloud. Assigning user rights is so much more convenient without desktop setup. The cost, even for their top-level Enterprise Plan, is very reasonable compared to the competition, particularly when you consider the range of features.

Since enrolling to Miradore Online, the efficiency of Sosteri’s operations has skyrocketed.
Devices’ Wi-Fi, email accounts and passcode settings are now managed remotely, with no need for time-consuming on-site visits. Thanks to an always up-to-date asset register and inventory information, they can easily get an overview of the lifecycle and security status of their devices. What’s best, this can all be controlled through one simple dashboard. It’s no surprise, then, that Happonen is pleased.

Miradore saves us crucial time in setting up mobile devices, because we can get email, security and WiFi settings delivered automatically, all at once. The remote wipe has also been a great help to us when devices inevitably get lost. Last but not least, Miradore is a company that’s truly a pleasure to deal with – their customer service is excellent.

Needless to say, we at Miradore are proud to be part of the mobile healthcare revolution
with Sosteri. The future of healthcare is mobile, and together we look forward to solving
any challenges it throws our way.


Miradore saves us crucial time in setting up mobile devices, because we can get email, security and WiFi settings delivered automatically, all at once. The remote wipe has also been a great help to us when devices inevitably get lost. Last but not least, Miradore is a company that’s truly a pleasure to deal with – their customer service is excellent.

Pasi Happonen, IT Systems Designer for Sosteri

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Tilaaja: Health care district Sosteri
Ajankohta: 2015 -


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