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HEUFT deploys the TOSIBOX® remote access solution

ReferenssiSince the beginning of 2015 the HEUFT Company Group is deploying the TOSIBOX®
Plug & Go™ remote access solution for installing and servicing the company`s baking
ovens worldwide. The HEUFT Company Group with headquarters in Bell, Germany, is a
manufacturer of high quality and automated baking ovens for small-size bakeries as
well as for large-scale industrial baking facilities.

Thomas Kahl, Acting After Sales Manager at the HEUFT Company Group explains how
the company`s remote access solutions have changed over the last 7 years: „In 2008
we started to use VPN-connections. Every customer and its IT department decided on
its own remote connection. Large efforts were applied by end customers and by the
HEUFT Customer Service Department. We had to spend several hours and at times
even days installing and configuring the remote connection to the baking ovens for
each remote customer site.

In 2010, we therefore decided to support only 5 different VPN remote access solutions. However, many of the solutions were not compatible
with each other and IT issues on the Customer Support computers were frequent. We
understood that we needed a unified and standardized remote access solution within
our company. Our service technicians are electricians and mechanics engineers
considering their professional background and education. It was important for us to
find a solution that could be installed without or with limited IT know-how. Our
Customer Support works 24 Hours and 7 days a week. Production related
interruptions in a bakery facility usually occur at night when the pastries are being
baked in the oven. At night, there is seldom an IT specialist available. That is why the
remote access solution has to be very reliable and also easy when it comes to the onsite

Consequently, we started to test and compare different remote access
solution in the market. The main selection criteria were the ease of installing the
solution and its reliability during support operations involving remote access. We use
predefined static IP addresses as well as clearly defined machinery and customer site
naming conventions in order to facilitate the remote access in support cases.

In the
summer of 2014, one of our suppliers presented the TOSIBOX® remote access
solution to us and handed us the TOSIBOX® Key, a small cryptoprocessor device that
enables instant remote access to remotely located equipment. At that time we were
testing and comparing various remote access systems with each other. After a testing
phase end of 2014, we came to the conclusion that TOSIBOX® was the optimal
solution for our support application and for our staff of service engineers. It was
especially the easy installation and use of the TOSIBOX® solution that convinced us.”


Our new customers are happy to hear that we are offering a remote connection that is so easy to install. The only thing the customer needs to do is to connect the power cord and the Ethernet cable to the customer network or router. In the past, certain baking oven installations would drag out for months waiting for the customer`s IT approvals. The TOSIBOX® solution solves this problem. TOSIBOX® has made an important contribution to enhance our Customer Support operation, especially considering the new foreign markets that we are entering, and to increase the service level to our worldwide customers.

Thomas Kahl, Acting After Sales Manager

Referenssin infoboxi
Tosibox Oy logo


Tilaaja: The HEUFT Company Group
Ajankohta: 2015 -


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