Holistic Tyre e-Commerce Platform – Case Euro-Tyres
Euro-Tyres Finland Oy is a leading tyre reseller in Finland. The firm wanted to build a comprehensive and revenue-driven online platform for the B2C segment. It is a totally new business area for Euro-Tyres Finland as they have not ventured into the B2C business so far.
The team from Gateway Digital’s automotive vertical, AutoFacets, deployed a comprehensive e-commerce platform in record time. It covered the entire digital journey of a buyer right from suggesting the exact tyre as per the said customers’ requirements to the final checkout while placing the order. The platform acquires inventory data from multiple warehouses of the client and also gives customers the option to order without signing-up.
“I am delighted to see Renkaatalle now being equipped with modern technology stack. Our team is excited to receive B2C orders, and we are geared up for the future to enhance our online offerings by leveraging this platform. We have already more than 200 service points where customers can select service and book the time and pay all in advance. I am looking forward to further cooperation.”
Taito Lehmusto
Tilaaja: | Euro Tyres Finland Oy |
Gateway Digital - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - DevOps Engineer
- Laura - ICT-asiantuntija (service desk), Millog Oy Riihimäki
- Laura - RPA-Trainee
- Nordea - Strategic Partner, Data Strategy and Alignment
- Innofactor Oyj - Sales Manager (Data & Analytics)
- Laura - Mobiilikehittäjä, Android
- Laura - Ohjelmistoarkkitehti, Tampere/Oulu
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