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Successful offshore development - Case Cloudriven

ReferenssiGateway Digital has been collaborating on software development with Cloudriven since its inception in 2012. This was preceded by operations with Trainers House, which began in 2008.

When starting the cooperation, Cloudriven had difficulties in finding expertise in Finland to develop services for Microsoft platforms. Gateway and its offshore developers came to the rescue at this point. Initially, the Indian team built by Gateway was on-site in Finland, but gradually the development work for Gateway moved to India. However, the same factors continued with the customer base, which played a key role in the success of the cooperation.

Gateway is currently involved in the development of Cloudriven's supportive digital work environment products (Vuolas CRM - a real-time learning TrainEngage platform). Vuolas is built on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, and TrainEngage makes extensive use of Azure's services.


“Cloudriven and Gateway have found a very effective way to develop offshore. Gateway firmly supports Cloudriven’s agile development model that works and delivers results. This is helped by a long-term and committed core team.”

Jukka Koskenkanto


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