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Infra-palvelun tarjoaja otti Bluemixin käyttöön

ReferenssiUnigma, a managed infrastructure services provider (MSP), recently delivered a cloud platform for unifying infrastructure operations. The company relied on Altoros and IBM Bluemix to accelerate the process.

The solution features six modules:

1. Administrative dashboard. Allows for adding users and cloud resources, as well as adjusting billing settings (e.g., a user can change a payment method).

2. Cloud workers module. Defines three groups of workers, responsible for:
Extracting data from a number of resources (VMs, load balancers, cloud datastores, web apps, etc.) and storing it in a centralized database (Cassandra)
Extracting statistics about the usage of cloud resources
Extracting billing information and storing it in a MySQL database

3. Monitoring module. Allows for tracking and analyzing how efficiently cloud resources are used and creating notifications with guidelines on how to react to a health status of the resource.

4. Automation module. Executes smart tasks across all the cloud resources at preset time intervals. Thus, a user can launch or terminate a VM, or start / restart / stop / resize / terminate an instance.

5. Cost analytics module. Analyzes how much one spends on using a particular cloud resource and provides recommendations on how to cut down on expenses.

6. Reporting module. Enables users to generate a variety of reports.
Deployed to Bluemix, the application features two manifest versions—for development and production environments. The solution is a web application comprising a number of independent microservices. The key components are:

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