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J.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd Waste Logistics

ReferenssiJ.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd, Waste Management industry in Australia, use Sunit In-Vehicle Computers for extremely demanding Waste Management business.
J.J. Richards develops resolutely their Business sector and have grown rapidly to one of major service company within their industry.
100% Service, Trucks with capacity of amazing up-to 600 collected Bins per day sets forth to the In-Vehicle computers with characters as Excellent GPS-accuracy, 100% processing capacity within all conditions, Smooth communication and Proof technology lasting year after year.

J.J. Richards has designed and implemented an in truck computer system called j-Track®. The system is designed to monitor and optimise collection & vehicle performance and record factual information regarding each daily collection run.

j-Track® provides the following benefits to Councils:
  • Timely and consistent services via the on board run navigational system
  • Reduced instances of missed bins due to inbuilt alerts and confirmations
  • Safe and compliant vehicle operations via on board driving hour and load weight monitoring systems
  • Incident investigation data recorded via vehicle mounted cameras
  • Effective contamination management program
  • Auditable database of collection information.
  • Recording of important service information for each run including contaminated bins complete with colour photographs of bin contents and corresponding property, plus time and date stamp and confirmed address information.


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