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Mission Critical Vehicle OEM Solution "CARAT"

ReferenssiSunit Oy and PINTSCH BAMAG GmbH offers to German market as OEM-Solution Intelligent Vehicle solution CARAT.

Carat is the new, innovative operating and communication concept for emergency vehicles of police, fire and rescue services. It is developed by PINTSCH BAMAG GmbH and base on Sunit In-Vehicle Computer technology.
Herein, the driver who has to master stress situations is on center stage with trust and relaxed. For him, all required information is prepared user friendly and simplifies the control of numerous peripherals of vehicle. It is possible with Touch from now.

Support with OEM-Screen on the vehicle
Viewing in the original vehicle display thru external video input.
Additional control panel BT 220 for blue light signals, text messages and emergency calls.
All instant functions must be available without any delaying’s of the computer.
Operation of the CARAT system thru the vehicle manufacture Touchpad interfaces.

CARAT Applications are:

Multi-user operation; 2 monitors
  • Driver: control of Warning systems, Radio, Navigation, Rear camera and Vehicle regulations
  • Passenger cabin: Climate and Light control, Intranet access, Office applications
  • Integration of tablets etc. for Communication in the vehicle via WLAN
  • Communication with the Control Center / Back-Office via GPRS / UMTS / LTE with VPN
Remote service
  • Fault diagnosis the entire system (vehicle and connected devices)
  • Communication via GPRS / UMTS / LTE with VPN
Control center access
  • Communication via text messages
  • Position views
  • Destination data transmission
  • Video transmission
  • Access to databases


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