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Outerbounds and Codemate Announce Collaboration to Accelerate Custom AI/ML Solutions for Enterprises

BloggausThere is no one size fits all when it comes to building production-grade, differentiated AI/ML solutions. Enterprises need solutions that incorporate their unique domain expertise, seamlessly integrate with existing systems, and comply with internal policies. “With over 17 years of experience in developing enterprise-grade custom software Codemate understands the technical and operational requirements of large organizations”, said Toni Piirainen, CEO and co-founder of Codemate.

To accelerate time-to-market and ensure a positive ROI in AI, it’s crucial to build tailored solutions on a proven platform rather than starting from scratch. “Since 2017, we’ve provided infrastructure powering AI and ML at Netflix and thousands of other AI-mature organizations through our industry-standard, open-source platform, Metaflow. This allows companies to rapidly build data-intensive solutions on a proven foundation, securely running in their environment”, said Ville Tuulos, CEO and co-founder of Outerbounds.

Read more about our partnership and offering from our website!

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Tekoäly (AI) ja koneoppiminen



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