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Suomen Tekojää creates ice in hundreds of ice halls

ReferenssiSuomen Tekojää Oy is a specialist in industrial refrigeration, ventilation and heat pump solutions. Most of these solutions are used in ice halls. For them, Suomen Tekojää supplies complete technology systems, covering refrigeration, heating, ventilation, dehumidification and automation. The company’s factory is located in Parkano.


Suomen Tekojää Oy requires reliable and secure remote connections, which enable it to monitor and, if necessary, control the operations of the equipment that is being sent to ice halls. Remote access must function safely, through both fixed and mobile broadband. The system, created by Suomen Tekojää, is used in approximately 500 ice halls in different parts of the world – for instance in the VTB Arena in Moscow. This Arena is the home hall of KHL team Moscow Dynamo and the main venue for the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship.


Tosibox offers a convenient solution for Suomen Tekojää to create remote connections via the Internet. It may be difficult to build a reliable and secure network connection between the control room, located in Finland, and the ice hall devices in transboundary situations.

Creating a reliable connection, for example, for refrigeration equipment located in Russia, often causes problems – especially when in remote areas, where network connection is based on a mobile connection. Russia is the company’s largest individual market, where they have delivered over one hundred ice hall systems.

In most cases, the ice hall refrigeration and ventilation systems are being used by the ice hall staff. However, Suomen Tekojää’s staff see the same information on their computer as the ice hall staff, thanks to the remote connection, and can provide assistance and support if necessary. The company can also use the equipment completely remotely.

Nowadays, Suomen Tekojää installs TOSIBOX® equipment to all its refrigeration systems. During maintenance, the older systems also receive their own TOSIBOX® equipment. The remote connection between company computer and the refrigeration equipment that is possibly located hundreds or thousands kilometres away, is formed easily.

Tosibox consists of two small devices, a TOSIBOX® Lock and a TOSIBOX® key. The Lock is a smart device that is connected with remotely-accessible devices – in this case, the refrigeration system. The Key is a small smart device that is installed on Suomen Tekojää’s computer via a USB connection. Together, the Lock and the Key form a secure connection via the Internet, quickly and easily.


• Enables the remote monitoring of refrigeration devices for Suomen Tekojää
• Improves opportunities for Suomen Tekojää to serve their clients
• Operator-independent solution - works in every fixed and mobile network
• Ensures reliable and secure network connectivity even in challenging circumstances
• Easy and fast to install
• Reliable and robust technology


” IT security is great now. It would be a disaster if someone gained access to our system."

Timo Mansikkaviita, CEO, Suomen Tekojää Oy

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Tosibox Oy logo


Tilaaja: Suomen Tekojää Oy


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Omat tagit

cyber security
remote connection
Remote Management
Teollinen internet
industry automation

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