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Altoros kehitti Data Migrator Cross-Platformin



The NuoDB Migrator, developed by Altoros, enables users of traditional SQL databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Sybase Adaptive Server, and others to easily migrate their data to NuoDB. The system transforms data according to the structure of your a source database and provides simple dump and load methods. The data is migrated in a way that enables preservation of data integrity and relations between objects of the source database, while at the same time guaranteeing compliance with the objects used in your NuoDB database (domains, sequences, users, roles and grants, views, triggers, constraints, etc.).

The NuoDB Migrator enables users to extract data from SQL-compliant databases and load it to NuoDB. The tool is able to manage large data processing scenarios, such as failures, continuation, restart and catch-up. During operation, completion status is displayed for task execution and users are provided detailed reports on the migration process.

The functionality of the tool can be easily extended with other ETL plugins or tasks. Users can work with the system through a command console and the Migrator contains a help section with all commands described. The Altoros team provided the ability to make a copy of the database and deploy it elsewhere to enable users to test the solution or to modify it as needed, e.g. in a proof-of-concept.

Altoros also contributed to the development of the Tungsten Replicator for NuoDB. This additional tool allows users to keep different versions of a database synchronized, parallelizing data flows as well as completing other operations with data. These two components of the NuoDB platform combine to enable users to easily and quickly migrate data to their databases.

Link for further info:


If we were going to be serious about enabling our users to move their existing SQL databases to NuoDB’s distributed NewSQL database solution, then we had to provide a powerful and simple means to do so. Just like with many startup companies our engineering team executes beyond expectation, but that does not mean it is without its limits. While already operating at capacity we turned to Altoros to take on the development of these critical customer tools. They offered their skills in every aspect of the project, from administration to design and development. The end product is a set of open source tools that are uniquely flexible, and elegantly simple in solving a set of complex problems for our customers. We are indeed quite pleased with the partnership we’ve built with Altoros.

Paul Lothridge


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