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At Nordea our people come from 107 countries

BloggausCultural diversity is steadily growing at Nordea. At the end of 2023, citizens from 107 countries worked at Nordea, speaking a total of 66 languages. In Finland specifically, we had citizens from 56 different countries.

“This rich diversity is a proof point of inclusion and brings in a wide range of perspectives, which encourages innovation and enables us to develop products and services and attract diverse talents. ” explains Head of Diversity & Inclusion Åsa Nilsson Billme and continues:

We’re of course delighted if we have succeeded in creating a workplace that is open to people from all over the world, but are we’re also highly aware that diversity doesn’t automatically foster inclusion. At Nordea, we work with inclusion in a focused manner and are continuously launching activities and tools to increase engagement and raise awareness, both internally and externally, towards our customers and the society we operate in. 


What do we mean by inclusion?
For us Inclusion means ensuring that differences are welcomed and appreciated. All perspectives are respectfully heard and enabled to contribute, every individual feels comfortable and supported to be their authentic selves, and have a sense of value and belonging.


Nordea’s strategy to achieve our Diversity & Inclusion goals


Nordea has a governance system which incorporates policies and procedures, as well as councils that decide Nordea’s approach to current and recurring diversity and inclusion issues. In addition, we provide trainings and tools to assist leaders in accelerating the integration of D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) topics throughout the business. Our key focus areas in addition to cultural diversity, are gender balance, ability variation, age diversity, and LGBTQ+ inclusion. All Nordea employees are expected to respect the dignity and diversity of all people. 


Our investment in People sustainability in 2024

In February, we hired Nicole Zethelius to take our People Sustainability related topics to the next level in a new role of Head of People Sustainability

“We are now strengthening our set-up by uniting the Diversity & Inclusion unit with People Sustainability. This will create an even stronger team where we can take our aspirations to the next level and scale up the excellent work we have done already.” says Christina Gadeberg, Chief People Officer, and Head of Group People in Nordea.

You can read about our Diversity and Inclusion policy here: Nordea – Diversity & Inclusion Polic

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