
Aurinkomatkojen digipalvelut on suunniteltu niin, että sovelluksella ja verkkosivuilla on selkeästi omat roolit. Verkkosivun uusi hakutoiminto johti yli 60 prosentin kasvuun konversiossa ja sovelluksen kautta retkimyynti kasvoi 78 prosenttia. Lue lisää!
“With the help of our new holiday search, we have been able to improve sales and increase customer satisfaction significantly. Even though we are not done yet, our digital sales channels are already in much better shape than ever before. I’m really satisfied with the performance of our multi-vendor development team and the way we have been able to consistently back development with real customer insights and data.”
Ilari Pohjola, Senior Manager, eCommerce Sales & Development, Aurinkomatkat