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BLC Taito manages the whole asset lifecycle with Miradore

ReferenssiFinnish Managed Service Provider BLC Taito fulfills its clients IT needs by combining the latest and the best hardware and software solutions and services from different providers. Their complete service offering includes everything from installation to maintenance, management and support for companies of 10-1000 employees.

The challenge

BLC Taito had been using Miradore Management Suite to manage around 5000 desktop computers for dozens of small and medium sized companies in Finland. As Miradore’s solution didn’t yet have all the required features, it was combined with other options. In the long run, BLC Taito preferred to work with just one desktop management partner. With a single tool, it would be much easier to operate an efficient service desk and customer support for multiple customers.

The solution

After Miradore had released their Patch Management module, BLC Taito decided to review its desktop management options. Thanks to its ease of use, effortless integration with other solutions, and its capabilities to automate tasks through the entire device lifecycle, Miradore beat the competition hands down.

“During the review we realized how incredibly comprehensive Miradore Management Suite had become. This continuous improvement is a big part of its beauty – Miradore never stops developing the solution to better match customers’ needs,” says Jani Kiri, Team Leader for Service Desk and Lifecycle Management at BLC Taito.

According to Kiri, the lifecycle management features that stood out included an excellent asset register, automated software updates and licensing, and last but not least, patch management.

The fact that clients can install and update applications and different operating systems remotely with Miradore Management Suite’s self-service portal makes BLC Taito’s work both easier and more time efficient. And, in case BLC Taito’s IT professionals ever to turn to Miradore for support, that is quickly at hand.

“Miradore offers better customer support than any other vendor we have worked with. They’re very responsive and approachable, and they have the expertise to solve even the most challenging technical issues.”

To ensure that BLC Taito stays as happy in the future as it is today, the two companies keep a habit of regular meetings. This means everyone is always up to date about changes, and products will be developed in tandem with emerging needs.

“This is what our successful co-operation is all about: clear communication leading to constant improvement,” Kiri concludes.

Main benefits

  • Device lifecycle management
  • Automation


Miradore offers better customer support than any other vendor we have worked with. They’re very responsive and approachable, and they have the expertise to solve even the most challenging technical issues.

Jani Kiri, Team Leader for Service Desk and Lifecycle Management at BLC Taito

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It-infra loppukäyttäjäpalvelut
It-omaisuuden hallinta





Tarjonnan tyyppi

Tuki- ja ylläpitotyö

Omat tagit

Patch management
software asset management
asset management

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