Blockchain - Digitaalinen murros pankkia-alalla
- What are the challenges for a bank in the new digital age?
- What's the role of regulations?
- What should be a focus of digital transformation in banking?
Banks are evolving
Digital transformation means that enterprises are adopting emerging and, at times, disruptive technologies to visibly improve existing business activities.
In the world of finance, digital transformation is creating both opportunities and risks as new technologies are being adopted. While some financial institutions are willing to explore new territories—such as Canadian banks that have already found success with blockchain—some organizations are still holding back due to a lack of resources and/or expertise.
Digital transformation means that enterprises are adopting emerging and, at times, disruptive technologies to visibly improve existing business activities.
In the world of finance, digital transformation is creating both opportunities and risks as new technologies are being adopted. While some financial institutions are willing to explore new territories—such as Canadian banks that have already found success with blockchain—some organizations are still holding back due to a lack of resources and/or expertise.
Have a look at the following link to read the whole strory...
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Omat tagit
Altoros Finland - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Ari Mutanen
Sales, Business Development, Country Manager
I have been in business almost for three decades - first 10 years in technical development and consultancy tasks, then next 10 years in operational and leadership positions and .. | | +358505680532 |
Altoros Finland - Muita referenssejä
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It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
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- Laura - Datainsinööri, tietohallinto
- Laura - Ohjaaja media- ja it-tiimi / oppisopimus
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat IT-ala
- Frends iPaaS - Technical Community Manager
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