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Enhancing the personal experience of HSL through design


A public transit system striving for excellent customer experience

Helsinki Regional Transportation (Helsingin Seudun Liikenne, HSL) serves over 1 million journeys every single day.

Even though public transportation is a lot about enabling the transportation of masses, Helsinki Regional Transport has set excellent customer experience as one of their strategic targets.

Service design tools and methods provided by Hellon have significantly strengthened the customer-centric mindset and improved agile prototyping across the organization. Hellon has worked widely with the different departments starting from the transportation planners and bus drivers to the top management.

As a long term partner, Hellon’s role is to support HSL to reach their strategic goal on the excellent customer experience.

Blueprint for state-of-the-art services

Through multiple agile piloting, intensive service design trainings and several design initiatives, Hellon has contributed to several improvements that has taken place in the past years.

Currently Helsinki Regional Transport has a new improved service guidebook for managing the excellent customer encounters and supporting the employees. The transportation planners of the company have been now widely trained about design methods and they know how to take user-centricity more widely into consideration while planning new routes or vehicles.

Widespread success in with the new Zone Model

One of the major reforms in the past years for Helsinki Regional Transportation has been the new Zone Model (launched spring 2019) was executed and implemented widely successfully despite of the identified challenges. Hellon supported in conducting a thorough customer research and identified the key pain points and possibilities needed to take into consideration while launching the new Zone Model.

The results and the findings of the customer research were used widely when finalizing the new Zone Model. Hellon also contributed to the successful implementation and the customer experience by planning the engaging training materials of the new Zone Model to the bus drivers and customer service employees.

“Big thanks to all the excellent service designers of Hellon for the work they have done for us.”

- Eeva Jakobsson, HSL (Helsinki Regional Transportation)

Katso Youtube-video palkitusta yhteistyöstä: HSL and Hellon - Winner of Global Service Design Award 2022

Lue lisää projektista: https://hellon.com/work/enhancing-the-personal-experience-of-hsl-through-design

Ota yhteyttä: https://hellon.com/contact


“Big thanks to all the excellent service designers of Hellon for the work they have done for us.”

Eeva Jakobsson, HSL

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