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Identifying growth opportunities with global Moomin fans

ReferenssiMoomin, an iconic global brand, partnered with Hellon to identify growth opportunities within their worldwide fanbase.

Through a multi-market study, we uncovered four key fan profiles, providing insights that helped Moomin enhance their digital platforms, products, and content. Read the full case to see how we shaped Moomin's future growth.

Moomin Characters teamed up with Hellon to build a deeper understanding of the global Moomin fanbase and to identify commercial potential for the desired target groups.

For this purpose, Hellon conducted a multi-market study for Moomin Characters to identify global Moomin Fan profiles and Key Journey towards fandom. We discovered four key fan profiles across various markets that each have their own life-long journey with Moomin.

Hellon provided Moomin Characters insights on leveraging the fandom further and growing new generations of Moomin fans by developing Moomin.com website as well as new licensing products and Moomin content.

“Working with such an iconic brand and the Moomin Characters team, with their remarkable ambition to further develop a true national treasure, was incredibly inspiring. Our collaboration aimed not only to deliver immediate value for the business but also to create long-lasting impact. We are proud to have enabled the continuation of Moomin’s success for generations to come.”

  • Salla Erkkilä Lead Business Strategist at Hellon
“Hellon truly understood our business, delivering actionable insights and practical solutions that made a real impact. The collaboration was focused on concrete targets, leaving us with feasible strategies to improve our offering for this generation of Moomin Fans and beyond. The Hellonians were both fun to work with and highly professional.”

- Thomas Zambra, Director of Business Development at Moomin Characters


Curious to see how deep fan insights can drive growth for your brand?

Or if you wish to hear more about the Moomin case, get in touch with us!


“Hellon truly understood our business, delivering actionable insights and practical solutions that made a real impact. The collaboration was focused on concrete targets, leaving us with feasible strategies to improve our offering for this generation of Moomin Fans and beyond. The Hellonians were both fun to work with and highly professional.”

Thomas Zambra, Director of Business Development at Moomin Characters

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Tilaaja: Moomin Characters


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