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Intelligent Business Transformation with Process Mining

ReferenssiNokia uses QPR ProcessAnalyzer for visualizing their processes and communicating the findings to support business transformation.

Nokia performs data-driven analysis to create a visualization of their processes which communicates a clear understanding of the processes. QPR ProcessAnalyzer is a tool focused on data analytics that takes existing data and converts it into a graphical form, helping the process improvement project to use the data stored in Nokias systems.

Fauzia Khan, Business Process Manager at Nokia, views that the usage of data makes the visualization of the processes much more efficient and less time consuming, as the real-life data is used for creating an exact description of the asis process.

Eric Tessier, Director of Procurement at Nokia, says that the objective was to identify relevant areas to be further deeply analyzed to enhance critical process in order to improve decision cycle, reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction. QPR ProcessAnalyzer

is an efficient tool for mapping the processes, as traditional workshop methods can take a lot of time and are affected by subjective views of the process situation

Nokia has improved business process lead times in Order-to-Cash and Purchase-to-Pay processes using QPR ProcessAnalyzer.

Using transactional timestamp data, Nokia sees what are the lead times and receives more information to do further analysis into the root

causes for exceptions and delays in the process. QPR ProcessAnalyzer allows Nokia to see their duration distributions and to do further drill-downs to find these root causes.

“QPR ProcessAnalyzer helps us to harmonize processes during our Merger & Acquisition of Alcatel & Lucent”, Fauzia Khan says.

As the Orderto-Cash and Purchase-toPay processes of these two companies were different, they need to be harmonized to achieve uniform customer experience, economies of scale and business synergies. Using the exact data stored in the source systems, Nokia gains knowledge on what happens in the processes and what kind of actions they need to take to make these operate in conjuction in the coming years.

Read more here.


"The Visualization of the Processes is a great tool for communicating the needed changes for the process stakeholders. Showing the actual happenings clarifies the needs for process improvements and makes the points of improvement clear. QPR ProcessAnalyzer is truly a gamechanger for process improvement”

Fauzia Khan

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Tilaaja: Nokia
Fauzia Khan


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process mining
datalähtöinen prosessianalyysi
QPR ProcessAnalyzer
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Liiketoimintaprosessien kehittäminen
Liiketoimintaprosessien automaatio
Avoin data
Big data -analytiikka
process improvement
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