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Miradore ensures Woikoski’s IT support never runs out of gas

ReferenssiWoikoski, a family-run company founded in 1882, is Finland’s only producer of industrial gases. Its clients range from private individuals to companies and the public sector. Woikoski-produced gases are essential for as diverse purposes as premature baby care, car airbags, clean water production, food packaging and sizzling summer barbeques.

The challenge:

When Robert Assum made the move from paper manufacturer UPM to Woikoski, he discovered that all the company’s devices were still managed manually on site, and they were all different. What’s more, with no asset register or reporting, it was hard to keep track of the whereabouts of each device, or even how many were in use.

The solution:

Back at UPM, Assum had been a keen user of Miradore, so it didn’t take long for him to roll the solution out at Woikoski, too.

I used Miradore every day at UPM, and once I changed to Woikoski, I immediately noticed we needed an asset register, automated software deployment, reporting and an inventory. The choice of provider was obvious, as I was already familiar with Miradore. I knew it does a great job and that it includes everything it should.

To Assum’s joy and relief, all installations at Woikoski have now been standardized, and the company has approximately 100 iPads and iPhones in use.

“Manual installations used to take an unbelievable amount of time, and now I have the opportunity to focus on fast and efficient support instead. I don’t think I’d have had the time to participate in this success story in the past either,” Assum laughs.

In addition to using Miradore Management Suite, Woikoski has also signed up to Miradore Online for Mobile Device Management.

Miradore’s products are very logical and they have it all. I don’t need to go elsewhere for any of my IT management needs."

One of the reasons behind Woikoski’s long-term success is the company’s promise to maintain constant innovation. Luckily, Miradore is there to help fulfill their evolving needs.

Miradore is always happy to receive my product development feedback and ideas and clearly takes them seriously too. Their service deserves an A+ for being both fast and reliable.

With Woikoski’s IT support now in safe hands, the company can focus on what it does best – creating products that few of us know about but that really help make our world go round.


Miradore is always happy to receive my product development feedback and ideas and clearly takes them seriously too. Their service deserves an A+ for being both fast and reliable.

Robert Assum

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Tilaaja: Woikoski


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BI ja raportointi


It-infra loppukäyttäjäpalvelut
It-omaisuuden hallinta
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS


Raaka-aineet ja energia
Valmistava teollisuus



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