Miradore Online helps Frigorifics Ferrer’s sales go swimmingly
Frigorifics Ferrer is a family-owned enterprise from Vic, Catalonia, which started off in 1924 by selling local fishermen’s catch at a market stall. The company is now Spain’s leading supplier of fresh and frozen seafood with over 10000 satisfied customers.
The challenge:
Frigorifics Ferrer had been using mobile devices since devices were still called PDAs and the word smartphone didn’t even exist. Last year they finally decided to move to tablet devices, so they had to migrate their custom-made sales app. The sales app, used alongside other apps like messaging apps and GPS, was absolutely necessary in the daily work of almost 90 people working face to face with customers. This meant the updates to all devices had to be managed as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The solution:
The migration to tablets highlighted the importance of managing a large amount of devices and distributing app updates remotely. While searching for the right provider, Frigorifics Ferrer found Miradore over the internet. They have now been customers for over 6 months. So, what was the deciding factor, we asked Sergi Gorchs, IT Systems Administrator at Frigorifics Ferrer.
“In short, it was the price, the user-friendliness, the SaaS pay per device model and the direct contact with support and sales,” Gorchs says.
So far, he has not been disappointed with his choice, and nor have his users.
“The biggest benefit to us has been the extra time in our hands. Miradore has saved us a lot of time in repetitive and non-productive tasks, like installing and configuring our devices. The reaction of the users has been the best of all… I should actually say the lack of reaction! Nobody’s even noticed the new solution, which makes things a lot, lot easier for me.”
The beginning of the relationship has been made particularly smooth by constant communication, and Miradore’s open-minded approach to Frigorifics Ferrer’s suggestions and feature requests.
“Of course there is always room from improvement in every piece of software, and Miradore have the right attitude to this…they want to achieve better things all the time. It’s clear that Miradore cares about its customers. The customer service is really good; they answer fast and they are meticulous. They’ve really helped us make the most of Miradore Online.”
Evidently, with Miradore, Frigorifics Ferrer will never be like a fish out of water when it comes to Mobile Device Management.
The customer service is really good; they answer fast and they are meticulous. They’ve really helped us make the most of Miradore Online.
Sergi Gorchs, IT Systems Administrator at Frigorifics Ferrer