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Miradore protects sensitive data for RIBW AVV

ReferenssiRIBW Arnhem & Veluwe Vallei is dedicated to helping adults and adolescents with various mental health issues. Working with people with psychiatric disorders or severe psychosocial problems, the Dutch healthcare company provides specialist assistance with housing, work and living a normal life. Their ultimate aim is to assist their clients’ long-term recovery by fostering their independence and self-worth.

The challenge:

RIBW Arnhem & Veluwe Vallei has over 700 Samsung tablets and smartphones. All of these are company devices, which employees use to collect and report extremely personal and sensitive data about the clients they visit. To prevent information getting into the wrong hands, RIBW AVV needed a 100% dependable Mobile Device Management system.

The solution:

To safeguard the sensitive customer data, as required by Dutch laws, RIBW AVV ICT Manager Ton Garretsen signed up with Miradore Online. The key reasons behind his decision were the user-friendliness and efficiency of the cloud-based solution.

“Security is clearly a big issue for us and Miradore helps us to protect our devices – not just in case of theft or loss but through device encryption, too. Besides having great reporting capabilities, Miradore Online allows us to manage and control our devices remotely. Compared to servicing devices on site, this saves us a lot of traveling time.”

After testing out Miradore Online Free, RIBW AVV soon upgraded to the Enterprise Plan, which gives access to unlimited and exclusive features of Miradore Online. These include application management for their Android devices, as well as business policy enforcement for added security. Having been a customer since way back in 2014, Garretsen is still very happy with his choice.

“We still like to use Miradore very much. It keeps renewing – the interface has improved further since the beginning. Though so far so good, we’re always eager to see how it improves even more.”

When it does, RIBW AVV will be among the first to know, thanks to their excellent relationship with Miradore Support.


“It is very easy communicating with the people at Miradore. They always answer our questions quickly, and sometimes we have conference calls to talk about upcoming features.”

Ton Garretsen, RIBW AVV ICT Manager

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Tilaaja: RIBW AVV


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