PEAB Finland boosts process reporting in construction sites and business units with QPR Metrics

Prior to introducing the QPR powered performance management solution, Peab Finland was using Excel spreadsheets for performance reporting. Collecting and compiling masses of information with Excel into various reports was taking hundreds of hours. Now all this is done with QPR Metrics.
“The time-wise savings are really material. Now we can focus on the essential, that is, analyzing the results and planning the needed actions,” says Timo Laapio, Development Manager, Peab Finland.
With the QPR powered performance system, all information is now found in one place, is up-to-date and in a uniform format. All key measures used in the construction site are collected in one dashboard view. This dashboard has been positively welcomed in the construction sites.
“Just a few minutes is enough to obtain a good and comprehensive understanding of where the site is going”, tells Operations Controller Timo Koppelomäki.
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