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Philips goes "green" with electronic invoicing


Sustainability is a core value at Philips. The company aims to keep its carbon footprint as small as possible, both in terms of product development and business processes.

That is why, among other things, Philips introduced paperless invoicing in 2006. It began an outbound e-invoicing project across several business units, including Lighting and Consumer Lifestyle.

Today, e-invoicing has been successfully implemented in several European countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Poland. It is currently bein gextended to other delivery channels and other regions.

“We strive to optimize our internal processes to ensure maximum energy savings and efficiency. One of the major projects we have initiated in this regard is the delivery of electronic invoices, replacing the paper version.

This enabled us to bring our paper flow down to a minimum, while providing the customer with the required information in a fast and correct manner.”


To facilitate its European e-Invoicing project, Philips partnered up with Basware. Lode Reyskens: “At the start in 2006, it soon became clear that there was only one service provider who could meet all our needs. We needed a solution that was compliant in the many countries we operate in. In addition, we needed the solution to be highly flexible when it comes to connectivity with other e-Invoicing platforms, so we could use the same provider in every country and region to serve all of our customers.”

The Basware solution turned out to be the right one. There has been smooth cooperation between the technical teams. A good example of this cooperation was the massive project for Philips Lighting. In just a couple of months, the team set up a fully integrated flow of more than 50,000 invoices to Benelux DIY outlets.


The Basware solution is an open platform that allows companies to exchange electronic messages, even if they work with different back-office applications that all use their own specific document format. The Basware solution converts the data and makes sure that the documents are delivered to the right person in the right format.

Lode Reyskens: “The solution supports just about any international invoice format and facilitates communication at all levels, such as via Value Added Networks, or via the Internet. This enabled us to quickly start sending electronic invoices to our integrated EDI partners. But the solution can also easily deliver invoices to the customer in other formats: on paper or in PDF. That’s why we are currently setting up a process for delivery via other channels, so we can offer electronic invoices to all our customers.”


“We truly appreciate the tremendous input, flexibility and accessibility of the Basware solution consultant who has coordinated this project."

Lode Reyskens, ICT Business Analyst at Philips.


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