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Staria Growth Summit 2023 – How to enable meaningful business discussions with a modern BI tool?

BloggausDuring Staria Growth Summit 2023 there was four different breakout sessions organized. Participants got to decide which topic interested them the most and utilize the opportunity to learn and discuss the topic with Staria's experts.

The other breakout sessions were:

In this article you can read about the session "How to enable meaningful business discussions with a modern BI tool?" and also watch a recording of it. The session was hosted by Staria's expert Mikko Kurki (Head of Product Management) and a special guest, our customer Oskari Gestrin, CFO of Castrén & Snellman.

A modern BI tool can have a major role in an organization

The session begins with Mikko introducing the topic and giving some background context based on the experiences of working with customers. After that Oskari shares the story of Castrén & Snellman and how they have been able to achieve more meaningful business discussions with a modern BI tool. Lastly, the men leaves the audience with a set of tips and answers questions from exceptionally active crowd.


Mikko Kurki, Staria

Mikko's presentation is split into three acts, he talks about:

- the big promise of BI

- the muddy fields of BI

- the new generation (Gen Z) of BI.

But what exactly is the big promise of BI when it comes to meaningful business discussions? To put it short, through BI, companies are looking to empower everyone with data. The aim is to turn complex data into compelling narratives that can be expressed in the language that day-to-day business operations can understand. Also, companies want to use BI for turning stakeholders into meaningful contributors in business discussions. The problem is the muddy fields where you get stuck with poor technical solutions.

Luckily there is a next generation, Gen Z of BI, paving the way for more meaningful business discussions. Oskari shares Castrén & Snellman's journey on how they have been able to utilize a modern BI solution for communication, storytelling, driving business and competitive advantage. He deep-dives into the topic through two cases.

Read also: Data-based resourcing increases Castrén & Snellman’s client and employee satisfaction

The last thing before answering people's questions was giving the audience tips related to BI solutions and especially their implementation and adoption:

  • Soft skills are important: change management is a two-way dialoque.
  • Storytelling: ensure people undestand the purpose of analysis and create actionable insights.
  • First impression: start off with a handful of key individuals to help with adoption.
  • Remember: the most expensive BI tool is the one that nobody uses.

To utilize the knowledge and experience Mikko and Oskari have, watch the recording of their breakout session below. This summary only scratched the surface!

Want to read more about the whole event and order the event recording? Visit here.

Watch the recording:

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