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Riimu Solutions kokemuksia

Riimu Solutions:lla on yhteensä 4 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Riimu Solutions kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Riimu Solutions on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiAssetti – Full-scale UI modernization

"We chose Riimu for the project because they were familiar with the stack we wanted to use and had experience with similar projects. They delivered what had been agreed on and we are excited about the results. I can happily recommend Riimu for similar projects!"

-- Samuli Hiltunen, COO at Assetti

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ReferenssiPictue – Agile development at speed

"We approached Riimu because they had the technical skills that we were looking for. With their help we were able to quickly organise and align work efforts and deliver both mobile and web solutions our clients desperately needed. The Riimu team were very professional, flexible and easy to work with and I’m looking forward to working with Riimu again in the future."

-- Kasper Välimäki, CEO at Pictue

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ReferenssiCredosoft – Partnering for web and mobile development

"Riimu provides us with an easy, reliable, and cost-effective way of speeding up our R&D work, which means more satisfied clients and new opportunities to grow our business."

-- Silvia Bordoni, Business Manager at Credosoft

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ReferenssiSaarijärvi Infra – Reporting solution for mobile workforce

"Riimu has been a professional and flexible partner to work with. Their technical expertise is high and the quality of work is excellent. We look forward to working with them again in the future."

-- Mikko Hyvärinen

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