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How to Achieve Operational Excellence with Celigo and NetSuite

BloggausToday’s leaders are looking for new ways to increase profits, improve customer experiences, and achieve operational excellence. For leading businesses digital transformation is a key priority, and automation and integration is a key piece of that strategy. Companies that chose NetSuite as their ERP need to implement the right integration and automation solutions to digitally transform their operations and eliminate inefficiencies.

We invite you to join Celigo’s and Staria’s experts as they share their learnings for best practices and actionable insights on how to fully automate business processes and achieve operational excellence in your organization. We reveal findings from working with thousands of NetSuite customers over the past decade.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of automating business processes for your organization and customers
  • How to choose the best integration solution for your business
  • How to expand business process automation further through a single platform
  • How to get a quick start with Celigo’s NetSuite Integration Apps

Register to the webinar and get an immediate access to it! You can watch it straight away or save it for later.

Ps. The webinar is a perfect warm-up for Nordic NetSuite Summit, where Celigo is also partnering with us. Go read more about the NetSuite event of the year!

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Toiminnanohjaus ERP





Tarjonnan tyyppi

Tuki- ja ylläpitotyö

Omat tagit

integration platform
integration platform as a service
NetSuite integration
NetSuite ERP
Celigo iPaaS

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