Redefining Danske Bank's onboarding customer experience
Strong customer experience from the beginning
Our client’s competitors were aggressively marketing new account-switching services, so we needed to respond by improving their on-boarding experience.
Customers don’t change banks very often, so when they do the initial experience with their new bank must be positive. Signing up to their new financial services provider had to be smooth and delightful.
Prototyping early-stage services
New ideas were prototyped with stakeholders and end users in a Concept Lab — a test environment for early-stage service prototypes.
We simulated the new and improved customer journey by prototyping all the new service touch points, from handouts to interior configuration to new web pages. Then we invited customers, advisors and key stakeholders to go through the journey and give feedback. The client was trained to facilitate this process in the Concept Lab, supported by Hellon experts.
Challenged tradition with customer-centric innovation
Hellon challenged the traditional approach within the organisation, which previously avoided exposing staff and management to genuine customer insights. Instead, we used in-depth customer interviews, ideation and prioritisation workshops, ensuring the participation of front line employees and key stakeholders.
A number of planned technology investments were abandoned after insights showed they would have missed the mark. Instead, a multi-channel approach was chosen and worked through with a cross-disciplinary team.
Tilaaja: | Danske Bank |
Tuotekehitys ja suunnittelu |
Pankki ja vakuutus |
Tarjonnan tyyppi
Konsultointi |
Omat tagit
Hellon - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Hellon - Muita referenssejä
Hellon - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - ICT-projektipäällikkö, tietohallinto, 12kk
- Laura - Software Lead
- Fellowmind - NewFellows-koulutusohjelma 2025 – polku IT-uralle
- Frends iPaaS - Senior UI/UX Designer
- Efima Oyj - Senior Project Manager
- Efima Oyj - Senior Software Developer
- Efima Oyj - Senior Solution Consultant, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
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