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Qvik kokemuksia

Qvik:lla on yhteensä 13 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Qvik kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Qvik Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.


"Based on my experiences I can say that our collaboration with Qvik has been accessible, open, transparent, smart, adaptive and to the point."

-- Daniel Wentz, Head of Group Digital Product, Electrolux

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"We are experts in our own industry but don’t necessarily know what’s going on in design in other industries. For that, we rely on Qvik’s expertise and partner network."

-- Teemu Hauhia, Sanoma News Platform Owner, Sanoma

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"The Qvikies fit in so well, I can hardly tell them apart from our in-house team any more. They are so deeply involved with our work that I don’t even think about them as consultants any more. Our cooperation has been fantastic all round."

-- Janne Kallio, Head of Partner Product Management, Suunto

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"Jukka takes a positive, active role in the projects. If the project gets tied into a knot, Jukka will quickly come up with a handful of solid suggestions on where to start unraveling it. That’s very much how I like to see people bring their professional skills and vision into play."

-- Sami Hyttinen, Product Owner of Terveystalo.com, Terveystalo

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"We have a great team, and our cooperation with Qvik has been open and flexible throughout. Qvik played a key role in the app’s development. We needed to seamlessly integrate coin expertise with the technical implementation, to all intents and purposes done exclusively by Qvik, to achieve success and growth."

-- Mikko Sievänen, CEO, Coiniverse

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"We feel this update has achieved its goals thus far, and we are delighted with the professional help Qvik provided during the process."

-- Annina Pennonen, Editor-in-Chief, Kaksplus

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ReferenssiFirstbeat Life

"We chose Qvik as our partner because of their holistic approach and domain expertise. Qvik always listened to us and answered our needs really well throughout the project. The results were brutally honest, and hence really valuable."

-- Jussi Järvenpää, Product Manager, Firstbeat

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ReferenssiTallink Bonus Trip Finder

"Well executed and anticipated feature with good business results. It presents a clear answer to an equally clear problem."

-- Grand One 2020 – Best Web Service, Honorable mention

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"With the help of our new holiday search, we have been able to improve sales and increase customer satisfaction significantly. Even though we are not done yet, our digital sales channels are already in much better shape than ever before. I’m really satisfied with the performance of our multi-vendor development team and the way we have been able to consistently back development with real.."

-- Ilari Pohjola, Senior Manager, eCommerce Sales & Development, Aurinkomatkat

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"Perusteellisessa ja hyvin dokumentoidussa palvelumuotoiluprosessissa otettu selkeästi huomioon eri käyttäjäryhmät, käyttöpaikat ja -tilanteet. Palvelu yhdistää digitaaliset ja fyysiset aspektit saumattomaksi kokonaisuudeksi, jonka ansiosta käyttäjät voivat suoriutua ostoprosessista itsenäisesti, jolloin asiakaspalveluresursseja voidaan kohdentaa muualle.” Team: VR, Qvik,.."

-- Grand One 2020: Best Service Design

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"Meille pankkitoimiala luonnollisesti on tuttu, mutta uudistukseen on ollut hyvä saada Qvikin kautta tuoretta uutta näkemystä sekä vaikutteita ja käytäntöjä myös muilta toimialoilta. Vaatii tyyliä ja taitoa luoda hyvä ja helppo käyttökokemus, jossa yhdistetään finanssitoimialan edellyttämät vaatimukset helppoon ja yksinkertaiseen asiakaskokemukseen. Tähän olemme Qvikin kanssa.."

-- Mika Käyhkö, Säästöpankki

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ReferenssiSuunto 7 -kellon ostopolun optimointi

"Arviointi osoittautui silmiä avaavaksi ja hyödylliseksi menetelmäksi, joka paransi kaikkien Suunto 7:n parissa työskentelevien tiimien näkyvyyttä ostokokemukseen."

-- Maria Pekkarinen, Consumer Service and Consumer Experience Director, Suunto

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"For a company like Compensate to succeed, it is crucial to make compensating part of everyday consumer transactions. Qvik’s expertise helped us map our options in the complex payment ecosystem." "

-- Annikki Laine, Chief Product Officer, Compensate

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