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An HCM System That Puts People at the Center


TarjontaNetSuite SuitePeople securely weaves people data throughout the Suite, giving businesses complete control over their HR processes. SuitePeople empowers managers and HR professionals to streamline employee information, new hires, employee onboarding, payroll, promotions and compensation changes, all from a single Suite. While also enabling employees by providing them with the ability to request time-off, access employee directories and organization charts, monitor upcoming vacation schedules, monitor new hires, and publicly recognize peers for good work.

SuitePeople is built in NetSuite enabling:

  • Flexible: Leveraging the SuiteCloud platform, it can be customized and integrated into and always up to date on the latest release.
  • Role-Based Security: Sophisticated role-based security allows executives, managers, supervisors and employees to support both themselves and their teams.
  • Universal Data: Like CRM and every other NetSuite module, SuitePeople ensures people information is available throughout the enterprise allowing companies to nurture, protect and develop their talent.
  • Global Reach: Built on the global platform, enhanced with HR localizations, ensuring companies can manage global workforces.
  • Unified Access: Part of the unified data model which allows people information to be seamlessly reported and analyzed from services, to the shop floor and the warehouse.

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