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Support Your Services Organization End-to-End with a Powerful, Cloud-Based Suite


TarjontaNetSuite’s project management solution enables project managers and team members to collaborate on projects and maintain current and accurate project status at all times, allowing managers to proactively identify and resolve potential issues with each engagement.

With NetSuite’s cloud-based solution, stakeholders can see, monitor and manage project status anytime, anywhere. By delivering complete visibility and control, NetSuite’s project management solution gives you real-time access to all of your project information. The result is a significantly improved project completion record, more satisfied clients and reduced non-billable work.


Gain Complete Project Visibility

View the entire project plan with an easy-to-read Gantt chart and get a comprehensive real-time snapshot of project status—down to the task level.

Get Control Over Project Risks and Issues

Record project issues down to the task level and track them with descriptions, severity, resolution date and assignment.

Easy Project Setup

Easily set up projects using project templates, utilize flexible project duplication options to create new projects from templates and flexibly assign resources.

Get Visibility Into Project Profitability

Track all the financial metrics of a project including budgets, estimates, work in progress, bookings, invoices, billing milestones, percentage complete and costs.

Create and Monitor Detailed Project Level Budgets

Create revenue and cost estimates for engagements and use “what if” scenarios to optimize price, margin, billing rates and staffing.

Learn more


NetSuite:n Projektinhallinta -aiheiset referenssit ja julkaisut

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