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TarjontaSuiteAnalytics offers users incredible flexibility to create Saved Searches and Reports that enables them to easily answer questions on what is happening in their business.

SuiteAnalytics Workbook leverages an intuitive modern user experience, expanded analytical capabilities and is designed so that even inexperienced users can perform complex data analytics tasks. With Workbook, users can easily and securely explore their data, create sophisticated criteria filters with real-time visualizations. Data can be further analyzed using theWorkbook pivot and chart capabilities, with intuitive drag and drop interactions. Workbooks can be saved, shared, reused with content easily deployed in NetSuite dashboard as portlets.

NetSuite is building powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning-based capabilities within its leading cloud business management suite to deliver the insight, interaction and automation customers need to grow their business. The built-in intelligence will empower our customers with analytics to understand not only what’s happened with their business, but what will happen in the future and how they can stay ahead. The intelligent features will automate routine tasks and help users make smarter business decisions delivering better outcomes.


  • Saved Search is a valuable tool for filtering and matching data to answer various business questions.
  • NetSuite Reporting provides a set of standard and customizable reports for all transaction types.
  • Workbook enables users to understand why things are happening in their business.
  • Business users can create Workbooks on the fly without writing a single line of code or complex queries, to seek the desired information quickly.
  • Data can be analyzed using the Workbook pivot and chart capabilities with easy drag and drop interactions.

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