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Increase transparency and operational efficiencies with a single, unified hospitality management software system


TarjontaAdapting to consumers’ ever changing preferences continues to be the driving force of innovation within the Restaurants and Hospitality industry. Customers are more informed, more connected and more particular about their needs. Innovative companies continue to differentiate themselves and expose their brands to exciting new growth opportunities via modern hospitality technology platforms. NetSuite delivers a modern and light-weight system for franchisors, restaurants, and hospitality groups to manage their businesses with a unified cloud platform—from backend financials and inventory and supply chain management to point-of-sale, marketing and loyalty.



Make data-driven decisions by leveraging a real-time view of the business with role-based reports, dashboards and KPIs.


Remove the need for multiple point solutions with a unified data model, enabling one instance of record for financials, POS, and HMS.


Improve customer experience, explore new ordering/delivery models, and enter new geographies with a foundational platform to support your growth goals.

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NetSuite:n Hotelli, matkailu ja ravitsemus -aiheiset referenssit ja julkaisut

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