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Avnet’s Smart Warehouse Monitoring Solution Take your warehouse operations to the next level using IoT


Empower your warehouse to perform smarter, streamline business processes and maximize space utilization

Today, warehouses are more than storage and inventory facilities. Many organizations are therefore investing in IoT-enabled warehouses for better automated control systems (ACS) and warehouse management systems (WMS) to improve their operational efficiency by reducing costs. Our Smart Warehouse Monitoring solution enables real-time monitoring of warehouse assets/equipment by providing transparency and traceability of all goods across different locations. The collected data generates meaningful insights on the status of inventory and storage and gives visibility of the stock. It helps the warehouse operator to prevent inventory shrinkage and improves the safety of workers. Such valuable insights also help to optimize storage locations, pallet journeys, warehouse throughput and workforce.

Key Challenges

  • Lack of end-to-end inventory visibility
  • Consignment damages
  • Poor storage utilization
  • Redundant processes
  • Longer TAT for picking and packing process
  • Errors in order processing

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