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Smart Retail Solution A contextual marketing platform to help you attract, acquire and engage a clearly defined target audience


Improve user experience with IoT-enabled retail solution

Today, traditional brick and mortar retailers are struggling to survive in a market where e-commerce businesses are thriving. Traditional retailers lack a solution that can engage, retain and ensure the safety of their customers.

Hence, the retail industry is undergoing a revolution driven by customer expectations of convenience, personalization and safety throughout digital and physical properties. At the same time, gathering, combining and managing shopper data across all these touchpoints is complicated.

Avnet’s Smart Retail solution helps businesses analyze their corporate strategy and develop a full-fledged plan to attract customers to their store, connect them with products and increase overall profitability.


Our Smart Retail Solutions are built to provide you a better understanding of customers through easy and convenient in-store experiences. This also generates greater customer loyalty and better business outcomes.


Avnet Integrated Solutions:n Kauppa -aiheiset referenssit ja julkaisut

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