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OEM User Interface development


Embedded GUI

 Embedded applications are what helps you deliver the experience that your customers seek and the device that you always planned to take to market. Though they operate in the background and are largely hidden from your end users, this essential layer of software is an essential element in extracting the most from your hardware choices and leveraging the full extent of your software application.

IOT Architecture and Embedded System Design

Designing the right embedded systems architecture is a key step in the launch of any IoT, connected, or smart device. Working with Witekio’s custom software development services consultants, innovation specialists, domain experts, developers, architects, UX designers, and project managers offers you the best chance to design the right system, deploy the right technologies, and achieve the perfect product-market fit and scalability.

Thanks to our years of experience helping to launch some of the most innovative IoT and connected devices in a variety of industries, our IoT development process, and our IoT development framework, we have developed the institutional knowledge and expertise to guide you to the best possible outcome and launch on the market with confidence and success.

Third Party Integration

We firmly believe that our engineers are the best in the world, but we also understand that sometimes you might choose to work with other teams for a variety of reasons. Sometimes you’ll rely on us for only a small but crucial part of your project, or perhaps you’ll position us as the linchpin that directs the wider project among all of your suppliers and development shops.

Our engineers are used to working on software platforms of all types, whether starting from scratch or building on code that already exists and was written by others. Our experience in orchestrating projects between multiple stakeholders, contractors and sub-contractors means we can balance the demands of all parties while maintaining a role as a single point of contact for you, the client. No matter the context, our experience working with and elevating your investments in third-party development help make things easy for you

Cutting-edge architecture and software system design, platform development, code reuse, and third-party integrations are the most important parts of our systems design offer, but they are only part of what makes Witekio unique. Our total dedication to our clients coupled with our extensive expertise and partnerships with hardware and software vendors means we are perfectly positioned to execute your IoT software project, no matter your industry, demands, or constraints.

Our experience in software systems design means you can have confidence in your IoT project from the moment it is first conceived through its development, launch, and scaling. Our engineers and their deep knowledge of IoT protocols, design, architecture, and platforming mean that you are in safe hands when committing to work with Witekio. With hundreds of projects completed each year and a track record stretching back to the earliest days of the internet of things, we offer unparalleled software services for the most complex embedded projects.

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