Smart Connected Worker Solution Connect with your workers digitally on-site and in remote locations to gain real-time visibility

Improve your worker’s safety and optimize their performance
Ensuring the health and safety of field employees, better regulatory enforcement have always been major challenges for field operators and construction companies. They are increasingly looking to carry out the tasks with more safety and efficiency, while increasing productivity, minimizing non-productive work and ensuring a healthy working environment.
The convergence of global industrial systems with advanced technologies such as wearables, low-cost sensors and data analytics not only connect machines but also field workers including builders, firefighters, miners and others with a centralized system.
An IoT-enabled connected worker solution brings monitoring capabilities to the next level that make worksites safer, more efficient, transparent and productive.
Key Challenges
Unexpected accidents in the field
Improving worker performance
Enhancing worker experience
Tracking workers
Ensuring worker safety
Reducing the risk of errors
Improving data accuracy
Creating visibility in the process work status