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Hellon kokemuksia

Hellon:lla on yhteensä 8 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Hellon kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Hellon on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiIdentifying growth opportunities with global Moomin fans

"Hellon truly understood our business, delivering actionable insights and practical solutions that made a real impact. The collaboration was focused on concrete targets, leaving us with feasible strategies to improve our offering for this generation of Moomin Fans and beyond. The Hellonians were both fun to work with and highly professional."

-- Thomas Zambra, Director of Business Development at Moomin Characters

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ReferenssiAward-Winning Inclusive Customer Experience for Northern

"Right from the start of our customer transformation journey, the team from Hellon have guided us, deploying their experience and capabilities from across multiple industries to understand our customer needs, identify where we can become more customer-centric and provide a toolkit of design solutions to prioritise our activity where it truly matters to our customers. The relationship has been.."

-- Mark Powles, Commercial & Customer Director, Northern Trains Ltd

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ReferenssiDeveloping a Life-Saving App to Boost Blood Donations

"The robust design and technical proficiency of Hellon have been impressive. The collaboration has been effortless, with open communication and smooth project tracking from a Product Manager's perspective. The professionals at Hellon don’t just operate at a theoretical design-technical jargon level but also effectively translate concepts into practical applications. Their skill in.."

-- Johannes Siikonen, Head Of Design, Product Manager, The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service

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ReferenssiBoosting customer engagement with Tesco's loyalty program

"Working with Hellon has changed the way I work and got me a whole new different approach at Tesco. I have become one of the key service design Ambassadors in our organisation."

-- Rachel Hamilton, Research Lead, Digital Product, Tesco

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ReferenssiImproving Lidl's customer retention in Finland

"The co-operation with Hellon was truly a positive surprise and an eye-opening experience. We discussed very concrete targets all along the process and as a result we were left with a true solution, with many new and feasible insights into how to improve our customer offering. The results are a part of everything we do, from our strategy to assortment optimization to marketing and in-store.."

-- Chief Commercial Officer, Lidl Finland

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ReferenssiDecarbonising Farming with Yara International

"Decarbonizing farming reflects the integration of Yara’s mission to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet and the ambition of growing a nature-positive food future. We need to build collaboration across the industry through strong partnerships, such as those we have established through this initiative."

-- ALLISON O'DELL, Marketing Director Continental Europe, Yara

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ReferenssiGamifying co-creation for NHS Surrey Heartlands projects

"The game was so well-received that we had to present it to other NHS Trusts and start using it in other regions. There was a point [before Covid] we couldn't keep up with demand to play the game"

-- Head of Research, Surrey Heartlands Health & Care Partnerships (NHS)

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ReferenssiEnhancing the personal experience of HSL through design

"Big thanks to all the excellent service designers of Hellon for the work they have done for us."

-- Eeva Jakobsson, HSL

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